Algorithmic: Put If, Else and EndIf into the same line


I am reading this post how \If{cond} \State{statement} \EndIf can be placed in the same line. Could you please someone suggest a way on how \If{cond} \State{statement} \Else \State{statement} \EndIf can be placed in the same line?

Best Answer


\algnewcommand{\ElseIIf}[1]{\algorithmicelse\ #1}

then input

\IIf{$x_1 = 0$} $x_z = 10$ \ElseIIf{$x_z = -1$}\EndIIf

will generate output

enter image description here

Full example, based on Werner's answer

\algnewcommand{\IIf}[1]{\State\algorithmicif\ #1\ \algorithmicthen}
\algnewcommand{\ElseIIf}[1]{\algorithmicelse\ #1} % <<< added
\algnewcommand{\EndIIf}{\unskip\ \algorithmicend\ \algorithmicif}

  \caption{Inline if-then-else}
    \IIf{$x_1 = 0$} $x_z = 10$ \ElseIIf{$x_z = -1$}\EndIIf

enter image description here

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