Add two footnotes at one position in beamer


I am using beamer for a presentation and I want to use two footnotes at one place with a comma between them.

In the following there is no comma but the footnotes appear correctly (with pdflatex):



  \footnotetext[1]{Text 1}
  \footnotetext[2]{Text 2}


If using multiple-footnotes-at-one-point with \usepackage[multiple]{footmisc}, I get the comma, but the footnotes are not shown (it seems that it breaks the beamer footnote configuration footmisc-in-beamer-citations-get-lost)

Does anyone have some suggestion on how to do this?

Best Answer

As you noted, footmisc is not working with beamer.

New Solution: redefine command \footnotemark

Another way would be do redefine \footnotemark, using etoolbox's list processing (inspired by this solution). This allows using multiple footnotes as comma separated list as parameter: \footnotemark[1,2].



        \def\nextitem{\def\nextitem{\textsuperscript{,}}}% Separator
        \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{\nextitem\origfootnotemark[##1]}% How to process each item
        \docsvlist{#1}% Process list


        first automatic footnote\footnotemark
        another automatic footnote\footnotemark
        first footnote again\footnotemark[1]
        both footnotes\footnotemark[1,2]
    \footnotetext[1]{Text 1}
    \footnotetext[2]{Text 2}



enter image description here

Old Solution: Simple workaround

As a simple workaround you could add \textsuperscript{,} between the footnotemarks.



  \footnotetext[1]{Text 1}
  \footnotetext[2]{Text 2}



enter image description here