Add \thanks to metropolis theme


I want to add \thanks to my titlepage while using the Metropolis theme but in the minimal working example below, nothing happens – just a 1 right next to the author but nothing in the footnote.

\documentclass[aspectratio = 169]{beamer}


\title{Short and snappy title}
% \subtitle{A modern beamer theme}
\author{Author~One \and Author~Two\thanks{I acknowledge Thankee One's assistance.}}
\institute{Random Institute}

Is there any way to add this footnote in the Metropolis theme? Thanks!

Best Answer

You could use a normal footnote instead:

\documentclass[aspectratio = 169]{beamer}
\usetheme[progressbar=frametitle]{moloch}% modern fork of the metropolis theme

\title{Short and snappy title}
% \subtitle{A modern beamer theme}
\author{Author~One \and Author~Two\footnote{I acknowledge Thankee One's assistance.}}
\institute{Random Institute}




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