Add optional arguments before and after “Exercise”

environmentsexercisesoptional argumentstheorems

I would like to create an exercise environment for which I can specify two optional arguments, one appearing before the "Exercise" mention and the other one appearing in brackets after the theorem number.

I'm using the amsthm package.

Using a basic theorem style such as

\newtheoremstyle{mystyle}{}{}{}{}{\sffamily\bfseries}{.}{ }{}
    \newtheorem{exo}{\bfseries Exercice}}

the following code

\begin{exo}[Nom de l'exo]
Montrer par récurrence sur $n$ que

gives me this output:

enter image description here

In another course, I used a different environment that helped me add something before the "Exercise":



Montrer par récurrence sur $n$ que

gives me the following output:

enter image description here

Now I can't figure how to allow for both optional arguments to appear. Does anyone know how to achieve that?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Here you can let a battery name (bata to batd) or nothing, and let an exercise name or not.

exercise command



    \par\medskip\noindent{\textbf{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{\hphantom{\bata}}{#1} Exercice {\theexer}\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{.}{ #2.}}}}
    {\par \medskip}

        Montrer que la dérivée de la fonction $x \mapsto x^2$ est la fonction $x\mapsto 2x$.
        Faire ce que vous voulez pendant une demi-heure.
        Ici, pas de nom d'exercice.

    \exercice{\batd}{(Comme avant)}
        Ici, carrément ni batterie, ni nom.
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