wrapfigure,achemso,cutwin – How to Add Image with Wrapped Text in Abstract


How to insert image in abstract with wrap around text. I have tried wrapfigure package, cutwin package without any luck. Wrapfigure is throwing warnings (WARNING1: wrapfigure used inside a conflicting environment ,WARNING 2:Stationary wrapfigure forced to float) and not working as expected. I am getting this error only when my document class is


Here is the sample code (with wrapfigure as commented out):



\author{Author 1}
\affiliation{Department of University 1}
\email{[email protected]}
\author{Author 2}
\affiliation{Department of University 2}
\affiliation{Department of University 3}
\affiliation{Department of University 4}

\title {Xxxxxxxxx xx xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx}

\abbreviations{To be added as comma separted list if all abbr.}
\keywords{Ketword 1, Ketword 2, Ketword 3, Ketword 4, Ketword 5}


% \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0.5\textwidth}
%     \begin{center}
%         \includegraphics[width=0.48\textwidth]{Images/Graphical_Abstract.jpeg}
%     \end{center}
%     \caption{Birds}
%     \end{wrapfigure}



This allows me to insert image in the abstract however the text is not wrapped around the image. I wish to achieve followings:

  1. Insert image in the abstract with wrap around text
  2. Abstract should not start in a new page but rather in it should start immediately after the authors details
  3. [preferably] Image should appear after 3-4 lines of abstract, inserted image should be right aligned and should have width as 40% of linewidth.

Can you please help me solve this. I have basic knowledge of latex only.

Best Answer

wrapfigure doesn't work inside lists (and the abstract is using the same mechanism internally).

Instead you can use the plain (not LaTeX) package insbox (hence using \input, not \usepackage):



\author{Author 1}
\affiliation{Department of University 1}
\email{[email protected]}
\author{Author 2}
\affiliation{Department of University 2}
\affiliation{Department of University 3}
\affiliation{Department of University 4}

\title {Xxxxxxxxx xx xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx}

\abbreviations{To be added as comma separted list if all abbr.}
\keywords{Ketword 1, Ketword 2, Ketword 3, Ketword 4, Ketword 5}



enter image description here