Symbols – Add ctftime Icon to My Resume


Is it possible to add a CTFtime icon into a latex document? I've added previous social networks like this, but I'd like to know if I can add a flag or something like that.

.cls file:

\newcommand{\infofield}[2]{\mbox{\makebox[5mm]{\textcolor{accent}{\normalsize #1}}\hspace{0.5em}#2}\vspace{0.2em}\newline}

.tex file:

    \email{[email protected]}
    \phone{+52 811 1111111}
    \location{Some Street 1, 12345 City Name}
    \linkedin{Jhn doe}{some url}

The above code outputs the following icons.

Any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

I guess, you need to draw it by yourself. You could do this with TikZ, for example:

\usepackage{xcolor, fontawesome, tikz, hyperref}



\newcommand{\myCtftime}{\tikz[y=1em, x=1em, baseline=1pt]{
  \path[fill, even odd rule] (0,0) -- (1.05,0) -- (1.05,1) -- (0,1) -- cycle
    (.15,.15) -- (.9,.15) -- (.9,.85) -- (.15,.85) -- cycle
    (.15,.85) -- (.35,.85) -- (.7,.5) -- (.45,.25) -- (.35,.35) -- (.5,.5) -- cycle; 


\linkedin{John Doe}{}

\ctftime{John Doe}{}


enter image description here