circuitikz – Designing AC/DC Converters with Multi Ports Using CircuitikZ


I want to reproduce the following circuit:

enter image description here

My question is about how I make the AC/DC converter with 3 and 2 input and output ports, respectively?

My code and respective output:




\draw (0,0) to[short,-o](0,0.75);
\draw [very thick] (0,0.78)--(80:1.2);
\draw (0,1.25) to[short,o-] (0,2) to (1,2)
to [L](1,0) to (0,0);
\draw (0,2) to (-1.5,2) to (-1.5, 1.25) to (-2, 1.25);
\draw (0,0) to (-1.5,0) to (-1.5, 0.75) to (-2, 0.75);
\draw (-4,1) to [sacdc] (-3,1);
\draw[dashed] (-1.75,-0.5) rectangle ++(4,2.75);
\node[font=\sffamily] at (1.25,-0.25) {Cryogenic Region};
\node[font=\sffamily] at (1.6,1) {SC Coil};
\node[font=\sffamily] at (-0.75,1) {SC Switch};


enter image description here

Thank you!

Best Answer

This is a very brute-force solution (you can do things more elegantly with calc and with relative positioning), but... (see comments in code).




\draw (0,0) to[short,-o](0,0.75);
\draw [very thick] (0,0.78)--(80:1.2);
\draw (0,1.25) to[short,o-] (0,2) to (1,2)
to [L](1,0) to (0,0);
\draw (0,2) to (-1.5,2) to (-1.5, 1.25) to (-2, 1.25);
\draw (0,0) to (-1.5,0) to (-1.5, 0.75) to (-2, 0.75);
% use the node-form, align at the east side with the two wires above
\node [sacdcshape, anchor=east](ACDC) at (-2,1) {};
% draw the input wires
\draw (ACDC.west) -- ++(-1,0);
\draw ([yshift=0.2cm]ACDC.west) -- ++(-1,0);
\draw ([yshift=-0.2cm]ACDC.west) -- ++(-1,0);
\draw[dashed] (-1.75,-0.5) rectangle ++(4,2.75);
\node[font=\sffamily] at (1.25,-0.25) {Cryogenic Region};
\node[font=\sffamily] at (1.6,1) {SC Coil};
\node[font=\sffamily] at (-0.75,1) {SC Switch};


enter image description here

Also, you can use the cute switch to draw the switch, no need to make it by hand. And if you like the original drawing of the AD-DC converter, this is double too, on the spot to using subcircuitis.

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