Superscripts – Fix Typing Issues with (‘) in LaTeX


What is this? I'm just trying to write '


Enter image description here


Enter image description here

My code:


\def\h {1.3ex} % cup and cap height
\def\w {1.2ex} % cup and cap width
\def\lw{0.12ex} % cup and cap line width
\def\sp{0.7269ex} % space before and after
  \tikz[line width=\lw,line cap=round,rotate=#1,baseline=-0.4ex]   {\draw (-0.5*\w,0.5*\h) -- (-0.5*\w,0.5*\w-0.5*\h) arc (-180:0:0.5*\w) -- (0.5*\w,0.5*\h);}


        p' \wedge q


Best Answer

The problem is occurs with the package mathastext and your definition of \sp. It seems like mathastext uses \sp in its definition of ':


(taken from here, page 55, line 215). You can fix the problem by calling the macro something else.