4 term exact sequence diagram, surjective map


     0 @>>> a  @>>>b @>>>c@>>> Y@>>> 0 \\
    @.     @VV{f}V  @VV{g}V  @VV{h}V @VV{i}V  @. \\
     0 @>>>d @>>>e @>>>f @>>>X

Output of the above diagram is,

enter image description here

I want to change $f,g,i$ into symbol of surjective map like \twoheadrightarrow and delete symbol $f,g,i$.

And $h$ to be '=' and delete $h$.

How can I do that ? Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

It looks like you are probably using the amscd package. (You should always include your preamble in your question so other users don't have to guess what packages you're using.)

I suggest changing to the more modern (and better maintained) tikz-cd package.

enter image description here



    0\arrow[r] & a\arrow[r]\arrow[d, ->>] & b\arrow[r]\arrow[d, ->>] & c\arrow[r]\arrow[d, equals] & Y\arrow[r]\arrow[d, ->>] & 0\\
    0\arrow[r] & d\arrow[r] & e\arrow[r] & f\arrow[r] & X
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