Table Layout – Positioning Two Tables Below Each Other with Image on Side


I am trying to create an image and 2 tables one below the other next to it using the below code with floatrow package

  \caption{A figure}%
  \begin{tabular}{cc} \hline
  Author & Title \\ \hline
  Knuth & The \TeX book \\
  Lamport & \LaTeX \\ \hline
  \begin{tabular}{cc} \hline
  Author & Title \\ \hline
  Knuth & The \TeX book \\
  Lamport & \LaTeX \\ \hline

but I could only get this layout

enter image description here

Could you please let me know if there is an easy fix to place the tables one below the other instead of side by side. Thanks.

Best Answer

The better I can do: enter image description here

with this (no professional)code:


    %   \vspace{1cm}
    \vspace{-5.3cm} % <<<< TRIALS AND ERRORS
\qquad \qquad
        \caption{First table}
            1 & 2 & $\sin x$\\
            3 & 4 & $\cos x$\\
            5 & 6 & $\tan x$\\
        \caption{First table}
            1 & 2 & $\sin x$\\
            3 & 4 & $\cos x$\\
            5 & 6 & $\tan x$\\