Electric Field and Electrons – Will Electric Field Cause Electrons to Move in Disconnected Wire?


Imagine a straight piece of wire, not connected to anything. Parallel to one of it's ends is a section of circuit with direct current in it. They're placed in such a way, that only about 1/4 (or less) of disconnected wire is near a powered circuit. Question: will electric field in circuit cause at least some of electrons in disconnected wire to move to other end (upper end on picture)? Will this happen, if circuit is a toroidal solenoid, and end of disconnected wire in inserted in hole in the middle of said toroid?enter image description here

Best Answer

If you had an electric field, charge separation would build up in the disconnected conductor such that the electric field inside the conductor was zero. This movement of charges would constitute a current that very rapidly decayed to zero.

However, neither of the diagrams you show appear have a changing magnetic field because the current in the blue wire appears to be depicted as constant. Therefore no electric field is induced and no current flows in either orange wire.