Will a Satellite Escape Earth’s Gravity at Escape Velocity?


If orbital velocity $(v=\omega r)$ is increased to escape velocity at that certain orbit, will it move to infinity? I know that it will skid from that orbit as vehicles do when their velocity is more than the equivalent velocity of banking of road. But this satellite has been revolving, shouldn't it just move to another orbit and revolve instead of moving to infinity since gravity is still effective on it?

Best Answer

Increasing the speed will increase the orbit. At some point the speed corresponds to an infinitely large orbit, meaning that the object will never return. This is called escape velocity.

So, per definition, if an object such as a satellite - initially in orbit or stationary, that doesn't matter - reaches escape velocity, then it will not just reach a higher orbit but will never come back. By definition. If it did come back and just reached a higher orbit, then we wouldn't have called it escape velocity in the first place.

And to the note on gravity, be aware that gravity always acts on an object. Also on objects that move with escape velocity. The velocity is just large enough to outweigh the effect of gravity continuously.

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