Why $V$-$I$ curve for good conductors is not a perfect straight line


I was reading a text from my school textbook it read

"the $V$$I$ graph for good conductors is not a straight line"

but they didn't explain why. So why a conductor not completely following ohms law is a good conductor?

The dashed line represents the linear ohm's law. The solid line is voltage V versus current I for a good conductor

(The dashed line represents the linear ohm's law. The solid line is voltage V versus current I for a good conductor.)

Best Answer

It is a line for most intents and purposes.

If you dig much deeper there are countless effects all of which make it slightly nonlinear. They could be getting at all sorts of effects.

  • There is heating due to the conduction, so resistance at high currents will change typically.
  • If the junction is not entirely ohmic, e.g. to impurities, it will have slightly less conductivity when weakly biased
  • If the current density is extremely large (mesoscopic structures), saturation phenomena can occur.
  • At extremely large terminal voltages, the space around the conductor will experience discharges/breakdown leading to additional conductance
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