Spatial Inversion – Why Spatial Inversion Differs Between Two and Three Dimensions

coordinate systemsparityquantum mechanicsreflection

The parity operation in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory is $\hat P|\vec r\rangle=|-\vec r\rangle$, which we can check from the Fourier transform.

Why the spatial inversion operation $P$ in two space dimensions is (x, y) → (−x, y), rather than (x, y) → (−x, -y), based on this definition? Can we interpret the physical action for the 3D action as a reflection about the origin, whereas in 2D is a reflection across the $y$-axis (why not $x$-axis)? Can we read the parity transformation from the tensor $\eta^{\mu\nu}=diag(1,-1,-1)$?

Best Answer

The parity transformation needs to have a determinant of $-1$. In all dimensions, it is safe to define it as $(x_1, \dots, x_d) \mapsto (-x_1, x_2, \dots, x_d)$ where only one co-ordinate is flipped. Let's call this the good parity transformation because it generalizes well to any $d$.

If $d$ is odd, $(x_1, \dots, x_d) \mapsto (-x_1, \dots, -x_d)$ is also valid and this seems to be what you learned first. I will call this the bad parity transformation because in even $d$ it would just be a rigid rotation with determinant $1$.

The point is that the good and bad parity transformations in odd dimension differ by a rigid rotation. I.e. something with determinant $1$. This also explains why there was no loss of generality in reflecting $x_1$ instead of $x_2$ for example in the good one. So you can quotient $O(d)$ by any of these and get the same subgroup $SO(d)$ as a result.