Magnetic Fields – Why Isn’t Magnetic Force Doing Any Work on the Rod?

electromagnetic-inductionenergyenergy-conservationmagnetic fieldswork

Consider the situation given below :

enter image description here

The rod (of length $l$ and of some resistance "r") connecting the two rails is given a velocity $v$ in the direction shown. Now since this motion induces an emf in the rod, so a current flows in the close circuit. Now due to this current there is a magnetic force acting on the moving rod in the opposite direction of its motion which slows down the rod.

Now my teacher told me that the loss in kinetic energy appears in the form of joule heating only which is kind of unsatisfactory to me because the magnetic field is doing negative work on the rod (right ?) , so some of the kinetic energy of the rod should be stored in the magnetic fields too . When I asked this to my teacher he said MAGNETIC FORCES CAN'T DO WORK and nothing else which left me unsatisfied.

Can someone explain why isn't some of the energy being stored in the magnetic fields ?

Best Answer

The misconception here is that only the vertical component of the charge velocity and the horizontal component of the magnetic force are considered. Certainly, if you only look at the horizontal component of the magnetic force you will see this component does work, but the entire force does no net work. A nice mechanical analogy is a block moving up an incline. The components of the normal force do work on the block, but the normal force in its entirety does no work on the block because it is perpendicular to the velocity of the block.

enter image description here

The diagram above (not drawn to scale) shows how the magnetic force does no work on the charges in the rod. The charges have a velocity component along the rod (the current) as well as a component perpendicular to the rod (due to the charges actually moving with the rod). The magnetic force is perpendicular to the total velocity of the charges consistent with the Right Hand Rule, which in this case is up and to the left. The left component is the resistive force felt by the rod. The upward component you will find to be consistent with Lenz's law to oppose the change in magnetic flux through the current loop.

Since the magnetic force is perpendicular to the velocity of the charges, the magnetic force does no net work on the charges in the rod. This therefore means there is also no energy stored in the magnetic field.

Note that this analysis is done in the rest frame of the magnetic field as shown in the diagram (the rest of the wire loop is at rest here as well).

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