Atmospheric Science – Why Is Ozone (O3) in the Earth’s Upper Atmosphere?

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If you look at the density table, you will see that ozone has the highest density among other gases, so why is it in the upper layer of the atmosphere, in the picture I schematically drew how the earth's atmosphere should look in my view.

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Best Answer

There is ozone production at all altitudes, but a majority of it is in the uppermost regions because at these heights, ozone is produced at much higher rates.

Ozone is produced when high enough energy light strikes oxygen molecules O$_2$ producing ionic oxygen that will then bond with other oxygen molecules forming ozone O$_3$ That is, $$O_2 + {\bf\large\gamma} \rightarrow O + O \\ \rightarrow O+O + 2O_2 \rightarrow2 O_3$$

There is less ozone production at lower altitudes because the once higher energy light at greater altitudes gets scattered on its journey down, loosing energy on the way, so that at lower heights ozone production occurs at a much smaller rate. Also note that the ozone molecule has a short lifetime (from 30 minutes to 2 hours before turning back into oxygen). That is, $$O + O_3\rightarrow 2 O_2$$

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