Rocket Science – Why Rocket Engines Are Not Used in Cars


If rocket engines can reach 70% efficiency, why don't we use them in cars?

Internal combustion engines get less and less efficient with higher speed just due to the kinetic energy equation (a unit of fuel produces a unit of velocity^2), while rocket engines have a constant efficiency (a unit of fuel produces a unit of velocity), ignoring fuel consumption.

This is a fundamental constaint, since an internal combustion engine necessarily pushes against the moving earth to propel the car, and a rocket engine effectively pushes against a gas that is stationary wrt the rocket.

So why not use a rocket engine in a car? Wouldn't it be more fuel-efficent?

reference for 70% figure:

Best Answer

I think you've misread the article. It says rocket engines can attain up to 70% $\eta_c$, which is only the cycle efficiency (how well it turns the energy of the fuel into mechanical energy). This is not the propulsive efficiency.

Unfortunately, for a rocket much of this mechanical energy is used to (wasted..) increase the KE of the exhaust rather than the rocket. As the article mentions, optimum efficiency is when the exhaust speed and rocket speed are matched. But this ends up being horrible for fuel consumption.

Being able to throw the mass of the earth or the atmosphere around makes regular propulsion much more efficient.

In one of your comments you linked to the question Velocity and kinetic energy, violating galilean relativity and said that the efficiency of a car drops with speed. I wouldn't agree with that statement. The question was specifically about interpreting energy in different frames.

If we stick to to just the frame where the ground is at rest (a very valid frame for travel on the earth), then the theoretical efficiency of your battery car approaches 1 as you eliminate drag. The energy of the battery can be given into KE of the vehicle almost entirely since the earth is so massive.

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