General Relativity – Why Doesn’t Curved Spacetime Curve the Stick?

coordinate systemscurvaturegeneral-relativitygravityspacetime

We know that gravity is not a force, but a curvature of the spacetime. This is a great visualization.

But I don't understand something. If we live on Earth in a curved spacetime, and this curvature is so significant that an egg rolls off the table at the slightest angle. If we take a long stick which looks perfectly straight in curved spacetime on the surface of the Earth. Then if we take this stick into space away from the massive celestial bodies, it should become curved?

Because in order to appear straight in the curved spacetime, the stick must take the opposite curvature. This opposite curvature in the space will no longer be compensated for by curved spacetime on earth. And the stick should look curved. But we know that this is not happening. Why?

Best Answer

Earth's gravity is quite weak and has essentially a negligible effect on the shape of the stick. Sticks (and basically everything else) are held together by electromagnetic forces and the Pauli exclusion principle, which are the same far from Earth.

Let's say you took the stick to vicinity to a small black hole, so the tidal forces (which are a measure of spacetime curvature) would overcome the strength of the electromagnetic forces holding the stick together. To counter this, maybe you apply some shear forces to the stick to keep in from bending. If you then remove the black hole but keep the shear force applied, the stick will bend. So you are right that gravity can deform an object, relative to its shape in the absence of a gravitational field.

A more "realistic" example of this is a neutron star in a binary. When two neutron stars orbit each other, the gravitational field of one can deform the other. This "tidal deformability" is imprinted in gravitational waveforms and can be used to learn about the internal structure of neutron stars such and the nuclear equation of state.

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