Electromagnetism – Why Near-Field Attenuates at $\frac{1}{r^6}$

electric-fieldselectromagnetic-radiationelectromagnetismmagnetic fields

So far-field makes intuitive sense to me, it attenuates at $\frac{1}{r^2}$ much like gravity. This is just common sense since the area for the surface of a sphere relative to its radius has a $r^2$ relationship.

However the near-field attenuates at a rate of $\frac{1}{r^6}$ instead. Is there some equally intuitive explanation for this? How is this derived?

The above numbers can be confirmed from the following Wikipedia article. To quote the article:

According to Maxwell's equation for a radiating wire, the power
density of far-field transmissions attenuates or rolls off at a rate
proportional to the inverse of the range to the second power ($\frac{1}{r^2}$) or
−20 dB per decade. This slow attenuation over distance allows
far-field transmissions to communicate effectively over a long range.
The properties that make long range communication possible are a
disadvantage for short range communication systems.

NFMI systems are designed to contain transmission energy within the
localized magnetic field. This magnetic field energy resonates around
the communication system, but does not radiate into free space. This
type of transmission is referred to as "near-field." The power density
of near-field transmissions is extremely restrictive and attenuates or
rolls off at a rate proportional to the inverse of the range to the
sixth power ($\frac{1}{r^6}$) or −60 dB per decade.

Best Answer

This answer overlaps with the answer by Roger Vadim, which quotes from this Wikipedia article, but I had to read his answer more than once before I understood, and my clarification outgrew the comment box.

If you have a function which diverges at the origin and vanishes at infinity, a Taylor-expansion-ish thing to do is to expand in powers of $1/r$:

$$ f(\omega,t,r) = \frac{a_1(\omega,t)}r + \frac{a_2(\omega,t)}{r^2} + \cdots $$

So at large distances you only care about $a_1$, but there may be some intermediate distance where $a_2$ starts to “win,” while at even closer distances the “winner” becomes $a_3$, then maybe $a_4$, and so on.

For antennas, this expansion is done for the field amplitudes. The power density is proportional to the square of the amplitude, and is therefore expanded in even powers of $r$. The statement that “the near field power varies like $r^{-6}$” is approximately equivalent to “we can usefully describe this antenna keeping only the first three terms in the multipole expansion of the field.”

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