Astrophysics – Why Do Heavier Elements Radiate Heat More Efficiently Than Hydrogen and Helium?


In astrophysics elements heavier than helium are termed “metals” collectively. These elements are more opaque and radiate more efficiently than hydrogen and helium. As a result, metallicity has a profound effect on stellar evolution. For example, high metallicity enables the protostars to contract faster and ignite the nuclear fusion sooner, which prevents the formation of extremely massive stars. High metallicity stars also more easily lose the outer envelope at the late phase of stellar evolution.

But I don’t understand why heavier elements are more opaque. It’s not hard to understand that helium is very transparent because helium has the highest 1st ionization energy. However, the 1st ionization energy of hydrogen is lower than nitrogen, oxygen and neon, which are among the most abundant metals. Does that mean these elements should not be regarded “metals”?

Best Answer

Atoms bigger than H and He have more complex electron orbital structures with more available transitions in them- by the time you get up to silicon and iron and molecules containing them, there are lots that are active and available to interact with infrared. This makes an intergalactic cloud with iron, silicon, and oxygen compounds (including carbon monoxide) in it a lot more effective at radiating away heat generated by gravitational compression than a gas cloud with nothing in it but (H)2 and He.