Electric Fields – Why Can’t Voltage Be Observed Between Two Capacitor Plates with One Connected to a Battery?


Let's say I have a battery and a capacitor that is neutral. Now I connect the battery positive terminal to only one plate of the capacitor. From what I know, there is a potential difference between the terminal and the plate so there should be an electric field that causes some of the negative charges of the capacitor connected plate to move to the terminal (through a conducting wire) to reduce the potential difference to zero. This makes the connected capacitor plate to be positively charged which in turn causes the not connected plate to be negatively charged because there is an electric field between the plates that causes negative charges to gather in the not connected plate. Now after this happens I expect that there is a difference in potential between the plates of capacitor. But with a multimeter connected to the plates of the capacitor I can observe zero voltage. Why is that? What do I miss?

Best Answer

There is no potential difference because the connection of the positive battery terminal simply causes a redistribution of charge on both plates, but no net charge on either plate. That would require current in a complete circuit involving the other battery terminal.

The free electrons of the connected plate move towards the surface of the plate connected to the positive battery terminal. That, in turn, induces movement of free electrons on the non connected plate towards the surface nearest the connected plate. But the end result is the net charge on the two plates remains zero for a potential difference of zero between the plates.

See FIG 1 below.

Hope this helps.

enter image description here