Electromagnetism – When to Consider Motional EMF and When Not To?

electromagnetic-inductionelectromagnetismmagnetic fields

In this configuration(given in picture) ,the magnetic flux through the loop is changing(which causes an induced electric field,which causes an induced emf) and for the perpendicular rods AB and CD(if we consider them to be not a part of the loop and moving with velocity v on their own(just for visualization) then shouldn't we consider motional emf for them and add both induced and motional emfs to give resultant emf in loop?
I was told that I could do only one of them at a time not both.The explanation given to me was not satisfactory please help

the configuration:
enter image description here

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There is a subtle difference in Faradays law compared to the maxwell-faraday quation( you may not have known there are 2 to begin with)

Faraday law:

$\epsilon = -\frac{d\phi_{B}}{dt}$

$\epsilon = -\frac{d}{dt}\int \vec{B} \cdot \vec{da}$

describes both motional emf and transformer emf, ANY change in magnetic flux on a surface causes an EMF. this doesn't necessarily say whether or not the EMF is caused by an induced electric field, or if it is caused by the magnetic lorentz force. This equation COULD give rise to an emf( changing magnetic flux), due to a change in the boundary of the surface in question, or due to a changing B field($\frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t})$ within that boundary

Whereas the maxwell-faraday equation $\int \vec{E} \cdot \vec{dl} = -\int \frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t} \cdot \vec{da}$

only describes transformer emf, aka an emf caused by an induced electric field as a result of a changing magnetic field

In this situation there is only motional emf, as there is a NON changing magnetic field as its the field of a static wire. But, there is a moving loop, aka a changing magnetic flux caused by a change in the boundary of my surface. In this situation there is NO induced electric field. The EMF generated in this situation is not described by the maxwell-faraday equation. It is instead described by faradays law. With the physical mechanism for this EMF being the magnetic lorentz force on the charges in the boundary of my surface.

To find the emf I could compute the changing magnetic flux in my loop using FARADAYS law, to find the EMF. Or... as you have suggested. I Could use the lorentz force to calculate seperately the line integrals of all of the sides to find the total emf in the loop


$\epsilon_{i} = \int_{a}^{b} (\vec{V}×\vec{B} ) \cdot \vec{dl}_{i}$

To mathematically understand why there is a difference between faradays law and the maxwell faradays equation. Is that the time derivative is in the inside of the integral. This forces the equation to completely ignore any change to the surface boundary

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