Newtonian Mechanics – What Happens if Pushed Up While Falling Down?

accelerationcollisionfree fallnewtonian-gravitynewtonian-mechanics

I know it will be a weird question, but im not a physics well informed person and I had this unsolved question for long time.

What would happen if lets say you are falling with someone else from 10meters and in the last meter that other person pushes you up?, would you lose the falling speed or decrease it enough to survive the fall damage?

Best Answer

It depends on how hard you can push. Realistically, it would not have much effect. After all, the height at which you can throw a person is negligible compared to $10$ meters. Btw, at such heights, you can use the free fall equation and get the impact velocity of roughly $35$ km/h, so it is survivable as expected. My guess is that if the other person is trying to preserve you, his best strategy would be to hug you to cushion your fall. He can't change the impact velocity, but by lengthening the deceleration phase (which the most vital part) it might be worth it at his expense. Hope this helps.