Particle Physics – What Particles Existed Before Cosmological Inflation?


What fundamental particles do most Grand Unified and Inflationary theories predict existed before the Inflationary period? Basically, what do we expect the family of particles existing during the Grand Unification epoch to look like? It is my understanding that before electroweak symmetry breaking, particles had no mass. Some sources also say they had no electric charge. Would there still be 3 generations of leptons and quarks then? Are electrons and neutrinos even distinguishable? I know that photons and WZ bosons recombine into electroweak bosons, but before inflation do those recombine with gluons? Is that what XY bosons are? Where can I find a straightforward answer to what a non-symmetry broken standard model looks like, as a lot of what I see seems contradictory?

Best Answer

I think your question is about electroweak symmetry breaking and GUT symmetry breaking, and not inflation as such.

Here's a list of the fundamentally different particles in the Standard Model. There's one line for each family of particles that are related by Standard Model symmetries.

  • U(1) field (2 degrees of freedom, usually seen as 1 boson with 2 spin states)
  • SU(2) field (6 d.o.f., 3 bosons)
  • SU(3) field (16 d.o.f., 8 bosons)
  • 3 copies/"generations" of each of the following (okay, I lied about one line for each; I didn't want to copy and paste):
    • SU(2) and SU(3) charged Weyl fermions (12 d.o.f. = 2 spin states × 3 SU(3) colors × 2 SU(2) "colors")
    • SU(3)-charged, SU(2)-uncharged Weyl fermions (6 d.o.f.)
    • another SU(3)-charged, SU(2)-uncharged family with different U(1) charge (6 d.o.f.)
    • SU(2)-charged, SU(3)-uncharged Weyl fermions (4 d.o.f.)
    • U(1)-charged, SU(2)-uncharged, SU(3)-uncharged Weyl fermions (2 d.o.f.)
    • Weyl fermions with no charge at all (2 d.o.f.) if you're including those to explain neutrino mass
  • Higgs field (4 d.o.f.)

The fields after EWSB are the same; they are just "reinterpreted". As an analogy, if you have a wooden board that you initially covered with Cartesian coordinates, and the Texas sharpshooter of legend shoots a hole in the board, you may wish to switch to polar coordinates centered on the location of the hole, since they better respect the symmetry of the modified board. But the number of coordinates (2) is unchanged. If you had foreknowledge of where the hole would appear, then you could use the polar coordinates from the beginning. Presentations of the Standard Model tend to do that, which is why you'll sometimes hear that there are Higgs fields with different electric charges, even though those fields only make sense before EWSB and electric charge only makes sense after.

Post-EWSB, the up-type quarks are half of the SU(2)- and SU(3)-charged family of fermions coupled with one of the 6-d.o.f. families via the Higgs field, and the down-type quarks are the other half coupled with the other 6-d.o.f. family. The electrons and neutrinos work the same way if the uncharged fermions exist. If they don't exist then the neutrinos are just one half of the SU(2)-only family, not Higgs-coupled to anything.

The idea of grand unified theories is that something similar to EWSB happened at higher energy, leaving 12 massless bosons in three families (the U(1), SU(2) and SU(3) bosons), and some massive bosons like the W and Z, but much heavier, which are called X and sometimes Y.

One popular GUT is SU(5), which has a single SU(5) force with 24 gauge bosons / 48 d.o.f. (in general, SU(n) has $n^2-1$ gauge bosons). Instead of 5×3 charged fermion families, there are just 2×3 (while the uncharged fermions, if present, are still in their own 3 families).

Another popular GUT is SO(10), which has $10(10-1)/2=45$ bosons / 90 d.o.f., but has the advantage that all of the fermions in each generation, including the uncharged ones, are in a single family.

Are electrons and neutrinos even distinguishable?

The SU(2) charged halves of the electrons and neutrinos are aspects of the same thing pre-EWSB. The SU(2)-uncharged halves are different even pre-EWSB because they have different U(1) charges. The "halves" are not really associated with each other the way they are post-EWSB, although the Higgs coupling does exist. Pre SO(10)-symmetry breaking, they would all be aspects of the same thing, except that there are still 3 generations and they could be made of different mixes of generations. In other GUTs like SU(5), they may be different even before the GUT symmetry breaking.

It is my understanding that before electroweak symmetry breaking, particles had no mass.

Technically yes, but technically they have no mass even after EWSB.

The particles that "gain mass" from EWSB never behave like light propagating freely in a vacuum, which is what most people imagine when they imagine a massless particle. Post-EWSB, they're prevented from doing that by their coupling to the vacuum Higgs field. Pre-EWSB, they're preventing from doing it by couplings to the soup of other particles that are present.

Would there still be 3 generations of leptons and quarks then?

No one understands the reason for the 3 copies of the fermion fields. In most theories they are just added by fiat. There could be fermions that don't come in three copies; no one knows.

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