Newtonian Mechanics – What Happens to Work Done with an Infinitesimal Force?


Actually I was in a thermodynamics class (High school). My teacher actually used $$dW=Fdx$$
Then something confused me like this equation $$dW=pdV+Vdp$$
Which I actually derived like $W=pV$ and taking differential and thus getting the above equation.

Similarly it is defined that $W=Fx$ (ignoring dot product for a moment,thus assume 1d case). And taking differential we get $$dW=dFx+Fdx$$
Initially I questioned the existence of $dF$. Then I found that $dF=pd \sigma$ (which I actually learnt in thermodynamics).

But this was so skeptical. I searched the web and I didn't find anything good about infinitesimal force and the work equation that I derived.

Probably this can be wrong. But to make sure I'm asking these questions

Are force infinitesimal? And can they be? And is my work done right one or not?

And what if work is a function of Force and Displacement instead of just displacement? $W(F,x)$

(Sorry if there's any mistake. I was very much confused about this. If there's any mistake please mention that. Thanks!!!)

Best Answer

In the equation


The first term on the right will always be zero because it assumes that the displacement is constant and the force varies, yet no work done if there is no displacement. For example, I can vary the force that I apply to a fixed wall but if the wall does not move I do no work.

The situation is a little different in the thermodynamics case of


Because there are two possible types of work: Boundary work ($pdV$ work) and flow work ($Vdp$ work).

The first term (boundary work) applies to closed systems, i.e., systems where mass does not flow into or out of the system but where the system boundaries are movable. The example often used is a gas in a cylinder fitted with a movable piston. Work is done in expansion or compression of the gas (expansion or contraction of the system boundaries).

The second term (flow work) applies to open systems where work is done to push or pull mass across the system boundaries where a pressure difference exists.

Hope this helps.

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