Quantum Mechanics – How to Transform a Lindblad Operator Basis

open-quantum-systemsoperatorsquantum mechanicstraceunitarity

I'm trying to understand how to perform a unitary transformation on a set of traceless orthonormal Lindblad operators, following chapter 3.2.2 of The Theory of Open Quantum Systems by Breuer and Petruccione (also similar to this wiki page).

From equation 3.72 of the book, a set of traceless orthonormal Lindblad operators $\{A_i\}$ (with rates $\{\Gamma^A_i\}$) can be unitarily transformed into some other basis $\{B_i\}$ (with rates $\{\Gamma^B_i\}$) as

\sqrt{\Gamma^B_i} B_i = \sum_j U_{i,j} \sqrt{\Gamma^A_j} A_j

where "$U_{i,j}$ is a unitary matrix". I'm assuming that the book means that $U$ is a unitary operator and $U_{i,j}$ is a scalar matrix element (otherwise I'm even more confused).

I have a number of questions about $U$:

  1. Are there any properties that $U$ needs to have other than being unitary?

  2. If I have a particular traceless orthonormal operator basis $\{B_i\}$ in mind that I want to transform into, how do I determine the $U$ to do this (if even possible)? I know that $B_i=\sum_j \text{Tr}[B_i A^{\dagger}_j]A_j$ but it's unclear to me how the $\sqrt{\Gamma^A_j}$ plays a role.

  3. How does this Lindblad operator transformation work when only a single rate $\Gamma^A_j$ is non-zero? Let's say that $\Gamma^A_{j'}$ is a positive real number and $\Gamma^A_{j\neq j'}=0$. Then $\sqrt{\Gamma^B_i} B_i=U_{i,j'}\sqrt{\Gamma^A_{j'}} A_{j'}$. Not only does this make every operator $B_i$ proportional to $A_{j'}$ and thus $\{B_i\}$ doesn't form any kind of complete operator basis regardless of $U$, but also $U_{i,j'}$ might not even be a non-negative real number which would violate the idea of every $\Gamma$ being a non-negative real number.

Best Answer

My answers to questions 1-3 are as follows:

  1. The operators $U$ which preserve diagonal form of the Liuvillian should obey the property \begin{equation} \sum_{k} U_{ik} \Gamma_k^A U_{j,k}^* = \Gamma_i^B\delta_{ij}, \end{equation} i. e. they should transform a diagonal matrix $\Gamma_{i}^A\delta_{ij}$ to a diagonal matrix $\Gamma_{i}^B\delta_{ij}$. The decay rates $\Gamma_{i}^B$ are the permutations of $\Gamma_i^A$, and $U$ may be composed of permutations of subspaces with different $\Gamma_i^A$ and arbitrary unitaries within the subspaces belonging to a single $\Gamma_i^A$.
  2. For arbitrary traceless orthonormal basis, the Liuvillian may not be in diagonal form. The coefficients $a_{ij}$ of the first standard form (see Breuer and Petruccione) can be found with a unitary transformation;
  3. I show below that the transformation $\sqrt{\Gamma_i^A}A_i = U_{ij}\sqrt{\Gamma_j^B}B_j$ is equivalent to $A_i = U_{ij}B_j$. Therefore, there is nothing special when some of the $\Gamma_i$ are zeros, and all $B_j$ remain orthonormal.

The argumentation is as follows.

Breuer and Petruccione define the the first standard form of the Liuvillian as \begin{equation} \mathcal{D}(\rho) = \sum_{ij} a_{ij} \left(F_i\rho F_j^\dagger - \frac{1}{2}\{\rho, F_j^\dagger F_i\}\right). \end{equation} It is not unique, as it is invariant under the following transformations of the operators $F_i$ and the matrix $a_{ij}$: \begin{equation} \begin{gathered} F_i = u_{ki} F'_k,\\ a_{kl}' = u_{ki} a_{ij}u^*_{lj} , \end{gathered} \end{equation} where $u_{ki}$ is an arbitrary unitary matrix.

The question is about the non--uniqueness of the diagonal form of the Liuvillian. The latter is obtained from the first standard form by choosing the unitary $u$ which diagonalizes the matrix $a_{ij}$: \begin{equation} u_{ki} u^*_{lj} a_{ij} = \Gamma_k^A\delta_{kl}, \end{equation} %which also transforms the set of operators $F_i$ into $A_i$: \begin{equation} F_i = u_{ki} A_k. \end{equation} The choice of the operators $A_k$ is also not unique: there always exist unitary matrices $U_{ij}$ which preserve the diagonal form of the Liuvillian after the transformation %and sets of $B_i$ \begin{equation} A_i = U_{ij}B_j. \end{equation} %which preserves the diagonal form of the Liuvillian and therefore the matrix $a_{ij} = \Gamma_i^A\delta_{ij}$: %Using the transformation law for the matrix $a_{ij}$, one gets the condition The condition for preserving the diagonal form follows from the transformation law for the matrix $a_{ij}$: \begin{equation} \sum_{k,l} U_{ik} \Gamma_k^A U_{j,k}^* = \Gamma_i^B\delta_{ij}. \end{equation} The class of unitaries $U$ which turns the diagonal matrix $\Gamma_{k}^A\delta_{kl}$ into a diagonal matrix is quite restricted. Such unitaries include:

  1. independent unitary rotations of the subspaces belonging to the same value of $\Gamma_k$ (nontrivial when there exist $\Gamma_k = \Gamma_l$, $k\ne l$),
  2. permutations of such subspaces.

Therefore, the sets of $\Gamma_k^A$ and $\Gamma_k^B$ differ only by permutation, whereas the operators $B_i$ from the question may be nontrivial linear combinations of $A_i$ providing that some of $\Gamma_k^A$ coincide.

Also, $U_{ij}$ is nonzero only providing $\Gamma_i^A = \Gamma_j^B$. Therefore, the transformation $A_i = U_{ij}B_j$ is equivalent to $\sqrt{\Gamma_i^A}A_i = U_{ij}\sqrt{\Gamma_j^B}B_j$ which was in the question.

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