Electrostatics – Trajectory of Electric Field Lines

electric-fieldselectrostaticsVector Fields

I came across an interesting problem of electric field which is as follows:

An electric field line from a charge $q$ is as shown. It enters a negative charge $–q$ as shown. Find the maximum height of the field line from the $x$-axis.

I know the tangent to electric field lines at any point gives the direction of the electric field. By symmetry, the highest point in the trajectory should be the midpoint of the line joining the charges. But I have no idea how to calculate the maximum height. I could not figure out the use of the 60° angle given as at those points magnitude of electric field due to the nearer charge would be tending to infinity.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

Contrary to the comments, this problem can be solved analytically without the use of differential equations. Since this is a "homework-like" problem, but one requiring an unusual technique, I will describe the method in a bit more detail than I would otherwise. I will still leave the details of the calculations to you.

Let $x = 0$ denote the midpoint of the charges. Consider a closed surface consisting of three parts:

  1. A small spherical cap centered at $+q$ with radius $\epsilon$;
  2. A circle in the plane $x = 0$, of radius $h$; and
  3. The surface of revolution obtained by rotating the given electric field line (for $x < 0$) about the $x$-axis.

enter image description here

There is no charge enclosed by this surface, and by definition there is no flux through portion #3 of the surface since it follows the field lines. So by Gauss's Law we must have $$ \iint_1 \mathbf{E} \cdot d \mathbf{a} + \iint_2 \mathbf{E} \cdot d \mathbf{a} = 0. $$ In the limit $\epsilon \to 0$, the first integral will be dominated by the inward flux from the $+q$ charge, with the flux due to the $-q$ charge becoming negligible; so this flux can be calculated easily. The outward flux through surface #2 can also be calculated in terms of the unknown height $h$. Here we do have to take the effects of both charges into account; however, it is not hard to see that the fluxes through surface #2 due to the $+q$ charge and the $-q$ charge are equal, so that simplifies matters somewhat.

Take it from there.