Topology of Non-Entangled States Region for a 2 Qubit Bloch Hypersphere



A two qubit/spin-1/2 system can be represented as

where $\alpha,\beta,\gamma,\delta$ are complex numbers such that
is the normalization condition. For convenience we can choose $\alpha=a$ strictly real as the global phase does not matter. This means that to specify the state, we need 7 real parameters. The equation (1) represents then the surface of a 7D Bloch sphere.

My question concerns non-entangled states in that sphere. For a state to be non-entangled it has to be of the form

where $\epsilon,\eta,\zeta,\theta$ are complex numbers, such that $$|\epsilon|^2+|\zeta|^2=1=|\eta|^2+|\theta|^2.\tag{2}$$


Equation (2) represents some kind of lower dimensional spheres surfaces embedded in the 7-sphere of eq. (1). This seems ok, the 7D-surface of the non-entangled states is null as there are more entangled states than non-entangled states (see Are there more entangled states or non-entangled ones? ).

How is the 7D Bloch sphere divided with respect to this non-entangled boundary? Does this boundary cut the surface of the Bloch-sphere on two regions?

Best Answer

Two somewhat trivial observations:

  1. Topologically, the non-entangled states must be two spheres, ie $S^2 \times S^2$. This is because the product state form of your middle equation is specified by two separate and completely independent pure states, which each topologically comprise an ordinary Bloch sphere.

  2. These two Bloch spheres $S^2 \times S^2$ comprise a four-dimensional manifold; meanwhile, the total Bloch space is six (seven?) dimensional, as you observe. Thus, the non-entangled states cannot possibly cut the total Bloch space into two regions, in the same way a one-dimensional manifold cannot cut a three-dimensional manifold into two regions.

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