Geometric Optics – What is the Plane of a Concave or Convex Mirror?


What is the plane of a concave or convex mirror? Is it along its principal axis or its area? I am convinced that the plane should be along the area of mirror but i am not sure about it. I tried to find it in books but didn't got any answer. Some books have questions like a point object is moving in a circle in a perpendicular plane to the mirror so find radius of image. Such questions are confusing to solve if we don't know where would be the plane of mirror.

Best Answer

There is no such particular definition for plane of mirror, in fact this term is very ambiguous since spherical mirrors aren't planar. "Plane of mirror" - these words are just used to express questions (like plane of paper or plane of the plane mirror). Physics doesn't defines that this particular plane is called the "plane of mirror".

In your question-

Some books have questions like a point object is moving in a circle in a perpendicular plane to the mirror so find radius of image.

The plane of motion of the point object is perpendicular to the Principle Axis of the mirror. Generally, we take principle axis of the mirror as our reference for all calculations and observations.