Quantum Mechanics – Significance of a Wave Function Being an Eigenfunction of an Operator

hilbert-spaceobservablesoperatorsquantum mechanicswavefunction

I understand that if some wavefunction $\psi(x)$ is a an eigenfunction of some operator, say, momentum $-i \hbar \frac{d}{dx}$, then:

$$\hat{p}\psi(x)=p\psi(x) \equiv \hat{p}\left| \psi \right> = p \left| \psi \right>$$

$$\left< \psi | \hat{p} | \psi \right> = \left< \psi | p | \psi \right> = p \left< \psi | \psi \right> = p$$

Then that means that the eigenvalue $p$ is the expectation value of momentum. Cool.

That also therefore means that any linear combination of wavefunctions which are eigenfunctions of momentum with eigenvalue $p$ also have momentum $p$. Cool.

But what does that actually… mean? Why is this important? What sort of physical signficance can I ascribe to this? I'm not seeing why my textbooks and homeworks seem to place so much emphases on these eigenfunctions if I can't seem to find any reason why they are important.

Best Answer

It means you can use the eigenvalue as a label for the state since (in your example) $\Delta p=0$. Not only is the average value $p$, but there is no fluctuation in this outcome.

Hence for instance we can label hydrogen states by energy, angular momentum, and projection because the eigenstates have “unique” (in the sense they do not fluctuate) values of these quantities. We can speak of a state having this energy, with this angular momentum etc because if you mak a measurement of energy on such an eigenstate you get a single answer.