Electrons – Determining the Charge to Mass Ratio of an Electron


In my physics laboratory class, we were discussing the following results after conducting experiments to determine the charge-mass ratio, $e/m$, of the electron. In the experiment, electrons were accelerated and executed circular motion perpendicular to a homogeneous magnetic field which was produced by a pair of Helmholtz coils. The voltage, radius, and strength of the magnetic field could be used to determine the ratio $e/m$.

Many of us obtained a positive result as outcome for this ratio, whilst a few other people returned almost the exact same value, however negative. Their reasoning was that the ratio being negative makes sense since we're dividing the negative charge by a positive mass; hence a negative result.

This sounded right at first, however, isn't it about the magnitude of the charge, which you have to divide by the mass (hence dividing a positive value by positive mass, resulting in a positive oucome)?

I'm trying to understand what's the correct way to view these outcomes. Should this ratio be positive or negative, and why? Is one of us correct in their reasoning?

Replies are much appreciated!

Best Answer

It is most definitely the magnitude of charge that matters, reversing the charge all it does is make a mirror image circle, so since in your experiment, you are measuring inherently sign-less/directionless parameters like radius, time, and magnetic field, speed etc. You would get a positive value for e/m. However, when you do report the value of $e/m$, you must report it with a sign, i.e negative. So, the ratio should be negative but, from the experiment As we are dealing with directionless quantities, you get a positive number as an output for the experiment, but when someone asks for the specific charge, not the magnitude then you report it with a sign.