Quantum Mechanics – Difference Between a Ket and a State in Quantum Mechanics

hilbert-spacenotationquantum mechanicsquantum-stateswavefunction

Sorry if this has been asked before in some manner, but I'm just a bit confused about the distinction between a state $\alpha$ and its ket $|\alpha\rangle$. I was recently told that a state $\alpha$ is an element of the Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, and a ket can be interpreted as a linear map $\mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{H}$ with action $c |\alpha\rangle = c \alpha$ for $c \in \mathbb{C}$. What then, is the difference between the two objects $\alpha$ and $|\alpha\rangle$?

Say if you had some decomposed operator $O$ acting on an element of the basis of $\mathcal{H}$ given by $\{e_i\}$ (and assume $\psi = e_j$, and the $\{p_i\}$ are elements of $\mathbb{C}$):
O \psi= \sum_i p_i |e_i\rangle \langle{e_i}| e_j = \sum_i p_i |e_i\rangle \delta^i_j = p_j |e_j\rangle

Is this new object $p_j |e_j\rangle$ meaningfully different from the state $p_j e_j$, since technically we have defined a ket as a linear map and not as an element of the state space? If it is, then wouldn't that mean $O$ would not have its action as $\mathcal{H} \rightarrow \mathcal{H}$? If they are the same, how does the adjoint fit into this definition, i.e. if a bra is the adjoint of its corresponding ket, is there some meaning to taking the adjoint of a state?

Apologies again if this has been asked before, thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I think all other answers so far do not address the problem directly. The definition of the OP regarding kets is a quite common, though not the most used one, see e.g. references 1 and 2. So I don't think one should argue now which definition of "ket" is the right one (the question is ill-posed: it is just notation).

The OP further uses the word "state" to refer to an element of the Hilbert space, which a priori is fine, but it does not correspond to the physical notion of the word (but to be fair, I think many intro texts use this notion, although one might add a normalization constraint). Others have commented on that, although it is not the primary question and actually not relevant here.

The question asks about the difference between $\psi\in H$ and $|\psi\rangle\in L(\mathbb C,H)$, based on a confusion and mixing of different notations and concepts.

To start, let me recap the basics which lead to the notation introduced in the question: For any vector $v\in H$ of a complex Hilbert space $H$, we can define a map $|v\rangle: \mathbb C \to H$ by $|v\rangle: \lambda \mapsto \lambda v$. In fact, the thus defined map: $\mathcal I: H\to L(\mathbb C, H)$, with $\mathcal I: v\mapsto |v\rangle$ is a canonical isomorphism. This means, roughly speaking, that we can relate both objects $v$ and $|v\rangle$ in a natural way, without "loosing information". Further, with this definition, we can meaningfully speak of the adjoint of $|v\rangle$, which turns out to be the well-known "bra", denoted by $\langle v|$. As a last point, let me remark that it is exactly this notion of a "ket", which people refer to when saying things like "the bra is the adjoint of the ket" or so.

Let me now clear up the confusion in the question:

With the definition of "ket" given in the question, we have to make sure to understand all other symbols accordingly. Most importantly, if we write $|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|$, then we denote by this the composition of the "ket" and the "bra" map, i.e. $|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|:=|\psi\rangle \circ \langle \psi|: H \to H$, with $$|\psi\rangle\langle\psi| (v)= |\psi\rangle\left(\langle\psi,v\rangle_H\right)= \langle\psi,v\rangle_H \,\psi \quad . \tag 1$$

Hence, in this notation we have that $|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|$ acts as a hermitian one-dimensional projection on $\psi \in H$, which often is also written as $P_\psi$ (which makes no reference to any ket-notation). The spectral theorem now allows to decompose every hermitian operator $A$ as

$$ A = \sum\limits_{j=1}^{\dim H} a_j\, P_{\psi_j}\overset{(1)}{=}\sum\limits_{j=1}^{\dim H} a_j\, |\psi_j\rangle\langle\psi_j| \quad ,\tag 2$$

where the $\psi_j$ are (orthonormal) eigenvectors of $A$ with eigenvalues $a_j$. The first equality is the spectral theorem, the second a consequence of our notation and definitions.

We therefore obtain

$$A v\overset{(2)}{=}\sum\limits_{j=1}^{\dim H} a_j\,|\psi_j\rangle\langle\psi_j| (v)\overset{(1)}{=}\sum\limits_{j=1}^{\dim H} a_j\, \langle \psi_j,v\rangle_H\, \psi_j \tag 3 \quad ,$$

and everything makes sense, i.e. the linear operator $A$ maps vectors of the Hilbert space $H$ to vectors again.

Now, the reason many people seem to be confused here is, I suppose, that in most physics books a "ket" is defined to be a vector in the Hilbert space. Put differently, then it is assumed that $|\psi\rangle \in H$ and symbols like $\psi$ have no meaning; it is the whole object, the ket, which is the vector. Then the operator $P_\psi$ can also be written with this notation as $P_\psi=|\psi\rangle\langle \psi|$, where the symbol on the RHS is defined as the operator $|\psi\rangle\langle \psi|: H\to H $ with

$$ |\psi\rangle\langle \psi|: |v\rangle \mapsto \langle \psi|v\rangle |\psi\rangle \quad , \tag 4$$

just as before (if you identify both ways to write the inner product); but to emphasize: The symbols here have a different meaning than before. It is thus important to not mix both notations and concepts, and stick to one convention from the beginning. Else one might end up in contradictions and ill-defined expression as in the question.

You do not get or lose anything by using one or the other notation, a priori. For some purposes one might be more suitable than the other. On the other hand, many people (including myself) do not use any of these "bra-ket" notations at all.


  1. Quantum Information Theory. J. M. Renes. De Gruyter. Appendix B2, p. 276.
  2. Categories for Quantum Theory: An Introduction. C. Heunen and J. Vicary. Section 0.2.4, p. 18.
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