Newtonian Mechanics – Tension, Centripetal Force and Simple Pendulum Explanation



At position 3

We've to find tension in the string (ideal).

The answer is:
$$ T = mg\cos\theta $$

But my doubt is, how can Tension at 3 balance the radial component of gravity.

If that were so the centripetal force should be zero but that's certainly not the case since the mass is exhibiting circular motion.

Best Answer

In general, Newton's second law in polar coordinates is given by

$$\mathbf F=m\left(\ddot r-r\dot\theta^2\right)\hat r+m\left(r\ddot\theta+2\dot r\dot\theta\right)\hat\theta$$

In the case of the pendulum, $\dot r=0$ and $\ddot r=0$, and so we are left with

$$\mathbf F=-mr\dot\theta^2\hat r+mr\ddot\theta\hat\theta$$

Also for our pendulum, we have $\mathbf F=\left(mg\cos\theta-T\right)\hat r-mg\sin\theta\,\hat\theta$

Therefore, we can determine from Newton's second law that

$$mg\cos\theta-T=-mr\dot\theta^2$$ $$-mg\sin\theta=mr\ddot\theta$$

At a point in time where $\dot\theta=0$, we must then have $T=mg\cos\theta$ at that point in time as well.

But my doubt is, how can Tension at 3 balance the radial component of gravity.

If that were so the centripetal force should be zero but that's certainly not the case since the mass is exhibiting circular motion.

We have circular motion, but not uniform circular motion. The centripetal acceleration varies during the motion of the pendulum, and as we can see is equal to $0$ at the ends of the swings.

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