Differential Geometry – Taking the Covariant Derivative of the Derivative of the Metric Tensor


Does the covariant derivative of the derivative of the metric tensor exist? if so, how do you evaluate it?
$$\nabla_a (\partial_b g^{\mu v})=?$$
It would seem natural to assume that this cannot exist, stemming from the fact that the covariant derivative of the Christoffel symbol does not exist, and it is made up of the derivatives of the metric.

Best Answer

No. Covariant derivatives act on tensor fields of arbitrary rank, but the object $\partial g$ whose components in an arbitrary coordinate chart are given by $$\big(\partial g\big)_b^{\ \ \mu \nu}:= \partial_b g^{\mu\nu}$$ is not a tensor field (nor do the Christoffel symbols $\Gamma^i_{jk}$ constitute the components of a tensor, as you say).