General Relativity – Symplectic Form for Real Solutions to the Klein-Gordon Equation


Consider a real Klein-Gordon field $\phi$ in a globally hyperbolic spacetime, with metric $g_{\mu\nu}$.

The covariant Klein-Gordon equation is


Let $V$ be the vector space of all real-valued solutions to this equation.

Define the following bilinear form:

$$(f,h):=\int_{\Sigma} d\Sigma_{\mu}\sqrt g g^{\mu\nu} (f\partial_{\nu}h-h\partial_{\nu}f), \forall f,h \in V$$

where $\Sigma$ is any spacelike hypersurface.

This is a bilinear, antisymmetric, non-degenerate form, i.e. a symplectic form.

How can I prove that it is non-degenerate?

Best Answer

It is easy actually. To be precise $\Sigma$ is a smooth spacelike Cauchy surface of the spacetime and the considered space $V$ of solutions of the KG equations is made of solutions smooth and with compactly supported Cauchy data on $\Sigma$. Under these hypotheses, the relation between Cauchy data on $\Sigma$, $(f|_\Sigma, n_\Sigma \cdot\nabla f|_\Sigma)$ and corresponding solutions $f$ of the KG equation is one-to-one. In other words the Cauchy problem is well posed.

If $(f,h)=0$ for every $h$ then both $f$ and its derivative normal to $\Sigma$ are zero. This easily follows from the very form of the simplectic form and from the fact that we can choose the Cauchy data of $h$ arbitrarily and there is a corresponding $h$.

Hence, again in view of the well posedness of the Cauchy problem, $f$ must be the zero solution of the KG equation.

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