Quantum Field Theory – Symmetry Arguments and Derivation for Product of Gamma Matrices and Derivatives


I am trying to work with the Dirac equation and the solution for the Klein-Gordon equation for some derivation and I stomped on the following problem in my derivation.

$\gamma^{\mu} \gamma^{\nu} \partial_{\mu} \partial_{\nu}=\frac{1}{2}\left\{\gamma^{\mu}, \gamma^{\nu}\right\} \partial_{\mu} \partial_{\nu}$

I know that the equality holds, I found it in the lecture notes I am using and I know that in order to prove it I have to use symmetry and antisymmetry arguments regarding the gamma matrices and the derivatives and some Clifford algebra. What would be the steps in the derivation to show that?

Best Answer

I figured it out with the help of the comments after some errors. $$\gamma^{\mu} \gamma^{\nu} \partial_{\mu} \partial_{\nu}= \frac{1}{2}\left(\gamma^{\mu} \gamma^{\nu} \partial_{\mu} \partial_{\nu}+\gamma^{\nu} \gamma^{\mu} \partial_{\nu} \partial_{\mu}\right)= \frac{1}{2}\left(\gamma^{\mu} \gamma^{\nu}+\gamma^{\nu} \gamma^{\mu}\right) \partial_{\mu} \partial_{\nu}=\frac{1}{2}\left\{\gamma^{\mu}, \gamma^{\nu}\right\} \partial_{\mu} \partial_{v}$$

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