Statistical Mechanics – Summing Graphs in the Partition Function Using Feynman Diagrams

feynman-diagramspartition functionstatistical mechanics

I am looking at Tong's lecture notes on statistical physics, and I wanted to understand a step in his cluster expansion better.

The goal here is to calculate the partition function in the canonical ensemble as a sum over some graphs. The result is to find (after equation (2.35), on page 58)


where we have the condition

I'm happy with everything at this point, but the next step is where I don't exactly follow.

The argument is that the constraint means the sum is difficult to compute, and so a way to avoid this is to look at the grand canonical ensemble

with $z=e^{\beta\mu}$. Substituting in the above definition of $Z(N,V,T)$, we find

What I would like to understand is how to go from before the $\cdots$ to after. As far as I can tell, because the summation is over all $N$, which in turn dictates the values of $l,m_l$, there is some way to claim this is equivalent to the sum over all $m_l$, and the product over all $l$. I would like to make this a bit more rigorous, but I'm a bit stuck, so would appreciate an explanation.

Best Answer

To understand this type of computation, you should write down the details explicitly. To lighten the notation, I set $a=z/\lambda^3$ and $b_l=U_l/l!$. Then, writing down explicitly the constraint as an indicator function (so that the sum over $\{m_l\}$ is now unrestricted), \begin{align} \sum_N \sum_{\{m_l\}} 1_{\{\sum_l lm_l = N\}} a^N \prod_{l}\frac{1}{m_l!} b_l^{m_l} &= \sum_N \sum_{\{m_l\}} 1_{\{\sum_l lm_l = N\}} \prod_{l} \Bigl( a^{lm_l} \frac{1}{m_l!} b_l^{m_l} \Bigr)\\ &= \sum_{\{m_l\}} \prod_{l} \Bigl( a^{lm_l} \frac{1}{m_l!} b_l^{m_l}\Bigr) \sum_N 1_{\{\sum_l lm_l = N\}} \\ &= \sum_{\{m_l\}} \prod_{l} a^{lm_l} \frac{1}{m_l!} b_l^{m_l} \\ &= \prod_l \sum_{m_l} a^{lm_l} \frac{1}{m_l!} b_l^{m_l} \\ &= \prod_l \sum_{m_l} \frac{1}{m_l!} (a^lb_l)^{m_l} \\ &= \prod_l \exp( a^lb_l ). \end{align} For the first identity, I replaced $N$ by $\sum_l lm_l$ (I can then write $a^N$ as a product over $l$). The third identity follows from the fact that exactly one term in the sum over $N$ is equal to $\sum_l lm_l$. The fourth identity is a consequence of the fact that the summand is completely factorized over $l$, so that $m_l$ can be summed separately for each $l$. The last identity is just the Taylor series of the exponential.

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