Newtonian Mechanics – Static Friction in a Half-Atwood Machine


Consider the following figure. Let's say we want to find the static friction force acting on each mass for the system to remain at rest.

enter image description here

$$T – F_1 = 0$$
$$m_2 g – T – F_2 = 0$$

So these are $2$ equations for $3$ unknowns. Even though the total static friction force $F_1+ F_2$ acting on the whole system of $2$ masses may be determined, it feels weird that this can not be solved for $F_1$ and $F_2$ separately. Obviously it is not the maximum values $\mu_1 N_1$ and $\mu_2 N_2$ what I want, but the actual values.

I'm guessing there is something wrong with my equation for $m_2$, since the existence of friction $F_2$ should imply the existence of a horizontal normal force $N_2$ which would accelerate $m_2$ to the right, making it impossible for the system to remain at rest. Therefore, $N_2 = 0$ and $F_2=0$ and then there are only $2$ unknowns $T$ and $F_1$.

Am I missing something here?

Best Answer

In order for static friction to exist between $m_2$ and the surface of the block, there needs to be a force acting perpendicular to the surface of the block (a normal force).

Assuming the surface of the block next to $m_2$ is exactly at an angle of 90 deg with the horizontal, then the only forces acting on $m_2$ are the vertical forces of gravity acting downward ($mg$) and the tension in the string ($T$) acting upward. Under those conditions, theoretically there is no static friction force acting on $m_2$.

On the other hand, in reality is there any such thing as an exactly vertical wall (exactly 90 deg with horizontal)?

Hope this helps.

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