SR for Moving Electrons in Wire


Let's say we have a metal conducting wire with delocalized electrons and positive metal ions. We apply a potential difference across it. Now, the electrons will start flowing in one direction due to the electric field. If we observe from the reference frame of one of the moving electrons, won't the space in the wire between the positive ions be contracted (length contraction) and the density of positive charges would be more than that of negative charges (electrons) from the electron reference frame? Wouldn't this net positive charge attract the electrons moving through the wire?

Also, isn't this what a magnetic field due to moving charges is? (electric field from a different frame of reference). Or is that different..

Best Answer

You're completely correct to say in the reference frame of the electrons, the charge density of positive ions increases by a factor of $\gamma$. However if we're in the middle of the wire, there'll be a roughly equal amount of charge either side of the electrons, so no net force overcoming the electromotive force. Even if there was some net force on the electrons from these positive ions, it would be swamped by the force from the potential difference, otherwise we would have had no current to begin with. You could maybe even argue that whatever force is pulling the electric current along (e.g. a charged plate at the end of the wire) would be closer to the electrons by the same length contraction, so this might counter your increased force from a larger positive charge density.

Your other point about magnetic fields coming from moving charges is completely correct too. In the frame of the electrons they're not moving so just produce aan $\bf E$-field. In the lab frame, they're moving and making a $\bf B$-field. Relativity handles this by unifying $\bf E$ and $\bf B$ together in a field strength tensor, $F_{\mu\nu}$.

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