Thermodynamics – Speed of Heat Through an Object

differential equationsmaterial-sciencetemperaturethermal conductivitythermodynamics

According to the Heat equation (the PDE), heat can travel infinitely fast, which doesn't seem right to me. So I was wondering, at what speed does heat actually propogate through an object?

For example, if I have a really long iron rod at a constant temperature (say 0 Celsius), and one end of it instantenously becomes hot (e.g. 1000 Celsius), how far down the rod will the temperature have changed in 1 second? I don't care how much the temperature changes, only how far a temperature change (however minuscule) happened.

Would changing the material (e.g. steel instead of iron) or the initial temperatures change the answer?

My gut tells me the answer should be the speed of sound for the material, because that's the speed at which movement in the atoms can affect each other.

Best Answer

TL;DR: Heat can't travel instantaneously because relativity disallows it. Some microscopic models of heat transfer predict that heat travels in a specific formulation of the speed of the sound. So its kinda the "heat speed of sound" in the specific material

Heat can't travel instantaneously because it is limited through relativity by the speed of light. Yes, the Solution to the transient fourier equation allows for any small time that the temperature at the finite end of an object to increase, even if its just a tiny number, but is still nonzero, so in a sense, the fourier equation allows heat with unlimited speed, but that's not possible.

Its hardly a problem practically, though, because in practice the materials we utilize to measure heat transfer are small enough so that you can ignore relativistic effects. Only in, say , a bar that connects the earth and the sun, you would have to consider the speed of light limit.

But, there are some models that modify the fourier equation to be compatible with relativity. You can see them here: (of course, only to give you a very rough idea)

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