Quantum Harmonic Oscillator – Proof of Average Kinetic and Potential Energy Equality

energyharmonic-oscillatorpotential energyquantum mechanicsvirial-theorem

Is there a simple way to explain why the expectation of the kinetic energy equals the one of the potential energy in the quantum harmonic oscillator? I would like to find a simpler explanation than saying it is a consequence of the virial theorem, since that one is not so easy to prove.

Best Answer

I don't know if this what you are looking for, but one can go to dimensionless position and momentum operators ($\tilde{p} = p/\sqrt{\hbar m \omega}$, $\tilde{x} = \sqrt{ m \omega/\hbar}\;x$) and have the Hamiltonian as $H = \frac{\hbar \omega}{2} \left(\tilde{p}^2 + \tilde{x}^2\right)$ and then you can see that there is a nice symmetry here where you can rotate in the $(\tilde{x}, \tilde{p})$ space and leave the Hamiltonian unchanged. The symmetry under changing $\tilde{x}$ with $\tilde{p}$ and vice-versa is just replacing kinetic and potential energy, but as this is a symmetry it is clear they need to be identical for the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian.

As a nice side-note, this is also why the eigenfunctions of the Harmonic oscillator are eigenfunctions of the Fourier transform. Because FT just goes from momentum to position basis, but for the Harmonic oscillators they are the same.

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