Newtonian Mechanics – Does Rolling Without Slipping Violate $F=ma$?


Suppose you have a ball at rest on a floor with friction. After applying a force $F$, the ball rolls without slipping. Therefore, friction from the floor should equal $-F$. Then $F_{net}=\frac{dp}{dt}=F-F=0$, but obviously there is linear momentum (towards the right) because the ball is rolling forward.

What is the contradiction here? Is my understanding of rolling without slipping correct?
Additionally, if there is no friction, will the ball roll?

Best Answer

The friction on the floor does not equal $-F$. There are three unknowns in this problem: the linear acceleration $a$, the angular acceleration $\alpha$, and the friction force $F_f$. We can produce three equations: Newton's 2nd law, Newton's 2nd law for rotation, and the no-slip condition. Writing these three equations and solving for the three unknowns will give you a $F_f \ne -F$.

$$F-F_f = m a$$ $$r_F F + r F_f= I \alpha$$ $$ a=r\alpha$$

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