General Relativity – Calculating Riemann Tensor of R×S_{d-1} Metric


I would like to give a general expression to the Riemann tensor of a metric


This metric is actually decomposed in $R\times \mathbb{S}_{d-1}$ and the Riemann tensor of $\mathbb{S}_{d-1}$ satisfies $R_{abcd}=g_{ac}g_{bd}-g_{ad}g_{bc}$. I am looking for a relation of this type. I already know that the Ricci tensor and the Ricci scalar of $R\times \mathbb{S}_{d-1}$ read, respectively, $R_i^j=\frac{d-2}{r^2}\delta_i^j$ and $R=\frac{(d-1)(d-1)}{r^2}$, with $a,b=1,…d-1$ and $i,j=2,…,d-1$

Best Answer

I found that the answer it is actually, simpler than I expected. As the submanifold is maximally symmetric, the Riemann tensor is given by


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