Refraction of mechanical waves


Everyone knows about the refraction of light. But what about refraction of mechanical waves?

With a quick research I was able to find that sound waves and water waves do undergo refraction. But I am unable to reach a conclusion for string waves.
I do know that string waves change their velocity on entering a different medium and the velocity of string wave in a medium is a characteristic property of the medium.

So does the transmitted string wave's velocity change due to refraction, or is it something else?

Best Answer

Refraction occurs across a change of medium because of the different velocities of the wave propagation in the two mediums.

As you say "string waves change their velocity on entering a different medium" then they will experience refraction.

Actually, its the change of propagation speed that is fundamental here and not the change of medium. Mirages occur in a desert because how the sun heats the desert air changes its refractive index in different layers. There is no change of medium here.