General Relativity – Light Orthogonal to an Event Horizon


Picture a light wave orthogonal to and just above the event horizon of a black hole, fired directly away from the black hole.

If the black hole is of sufficient mass, the light would be pulled back towards the black hole and would eventually reverse directions.

My two questions are:

  1. Is this assumption correct?
  2. If so, how would the light be able to reverse directions to travel back towards the black hole without reaching a speed of 0?

Best Answer

If the black hole is of sufficient mass, the light would be pulled back towards the black hole

If the light was emitted from outside the event horizon, then the black hole is necessarily not of sufficient mass. Once the photon is emitted, it moves at the local speed of light. It is too late to add mass to the black hole to change its trajectory. The light when it is far from the black hole will be observed to have less energy than an observer at the event would have seen.

the light would be pulled back towards the black hole and would eventually reverse directions.

No, the light never "reverses" directions the way a ball might when thrown upward. Spacetime near the black hole (inside the event horizon) is sufficiently curved that all directions point into the black hole. There is no direction that you can point the light that leads to outside.

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