Quantum Field Theory – How to Prove a Single-Point Correlation Function Equals Zero


A short question, when I am studying QFT-P&S's book, try to use completeness relation (7.2) to expand the two-point correlation function: $$\langle\Omega|\hat T{\phi(x)\phi(y)}|\Omega\rangle\tag{7.3}$$ in to (7.3), P&S say:

the term $\langle\Omega|\phi(x)|\Omega\rangle$ & $\langle\Omega| \phi(y)|\Omega\rangle$(or for spin half field: $\langle\Omega|\psi(x)|\Omega\rangle$ & $\langle\Omega|\bar \psi(y)|\Omega\rangle$) are usually zero by symmetry; for higher-spin field it's zero by Lorentz invariance.

My question is, know how to prove this claim? (both for $\phi$ and $\psi$)

This is the original P&S book: (P. 212)

enter image description here

Best Answer

In the cases that Peskin & Schroeder are referring to, both the action and the path-integral measure have the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ global symmetry $ \phi(x) \mapsto -\phi(x).$

This means that the full quantum theory has that symmetry, and hence so do correlation functions. Therefore $$\left<\Omega\middle\vert \phi(x) \middle\vert\Omega\right> = 0,$$ since it is odd under that $\mathbb{Z}_2$, assuming that the vacuum does not break the symmetry.