[Physics] Writing a vector as the sum of basis vectors

hilbert-spacequantum mechanicsvectors

I'm currently making my way through quantum mechanics by Leonard Susskind, but have got stuck at this part; writing a vector as the sum of basis vectors.

I get that for an $N$ dimensional space and a particular orthonormal basis of kets labeled $|i\rangle$, where $i$ runs from $1$ to $N$, a vector $|A\rangle$ can be written as a sum of basis kets $|A\rangle = \sum a_i|i\rangle$.

But then I don't get why to work out the components you then take the inner product with a basis bra $\langle j|$ and how you can then be left with $\langle j|A\rangle = a_j$.

Maybe I just don't understand the rules of inner product properly, but any help at understanding would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Write $|A\rangle = \sum_i a_i|i\rangle$: you know you can do this because $\left\{|i\rangle\right\}$ are a basis: this is the definition of a basis. Further, they are orthonormal which means that $\langle i|j\rangle = \delta_{ij}$ (this is what being orthonormal means). So now consider $$\begin{align} \langle j|A\rangle &= \langle j|\left(\sum_i a_i|i\rangle\right)\\ &= \sum_i a_i\langle j|i\rangle\\ &= \sum_i a_i \delta_{ji}\\ &= a_j \end{align}$$

As required. The intermediate steps are just moving the basis vector into the sum.

(The answer by CDCM is better than this one, I think).

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