Cosmology – Would the Cosmic Background Radiation (CMB) Produce Drag and Create a Preferential Inertial Frame?

cosmic-microwave-backgroundcosmologydragreference framesspecial-relativity

Because the CMB is everywhere and is isotropic, if an object would have a certain velocity, it could have a pressure differential produced by the CMB which would produce drag till it would stop with respect to the CMB.

However, wouldn't this mean that there is a 'universal' reference frame created by the CMB? Wouldn't this be going against special relativity assumptions?

Best Answer

The CMB does in fact produce a preferential reference frame. Even without pressure, the preferential frame would be the one that equalizes the red and blue shift in all directions. For example Earth's motion around the Sun and the Sun's motion around the galaxy can be extracted from the red and blue shift in CMB data.

This does not contradict relativity, though, because the equations of physics are still valid and take the same form in any reference frame, even ones moving with respect to the CMB. Also, comparing your speed to the CMB requires looking far away, and relativity is based on the idea that your local neighborhood behaves the same regardless of your state of (inertial) motion.

In the same way, when analyzing motion on Earth, it usually makes sense to define our coordinate system so one axis aligns with gravity (i.e. "up and down"), because gravity is one of the main forces at work, and it reduces the number of sines and cosines needed in the equations. But that doesn't mean you could not obtain equally valid answers in a coordinate system with any orientation. And that "up and down" oriented coord system may not be the most natural choice in other situations, like a long way across the globe, or in the middle of space.

EDIT: In terms of "pressure" from the CMB, I think (?) you are referring to the radiation pressure $P$ of the distant source on a moving perfect reflector, as a function of velocity $v$, which Einstein in 1905 derived to be:

$$P=\frac{1}{4\pi}A^2\frac {(1-\frac{v}{c})}{(1+\frac{v}{c})}$$

where $A$ is the EM field amplitude. So this pressure does depend on velocity.

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