[Physics] Would an airplane flying through superfluid helium experience lift and drag


Would an airplane flying through superfluid helium experience lift and drag? The airplane is presumed cold enough to not heat up the helium.

Best Answer

Viscosity is necessary in order for the wing to generate lift. Without the change in circulation caused by flow separation from the trailing edge, there will be no lift. In an inviscid fluid there will be no separation, and hence no lift. A similar flow pattern can be observed in viscous fluids when the Reynolds number is extremely low (Re<<1), and you can see for yourself that there is a conspicuous absence of downwash behind the wing in this case.

enter image description here

$(Re<<1$, No Flow separation, $Lift=0)$

enter image description here

$(Re>>1$, Flow Separation, $Lift\not=0)$

So, based on my understanding of superfluids I think the flow pattern will be similar. Also, I believe an experiment was done with a micro-turbine in supercooled Helium in which the turbine produced near zero torque (implying that no lift was generated). So the answer to your question is, in principle, the plane should experience neither lift nor drag. However, I can imagine scenarios in which this would not be strictly true due to the non-ideal nature of real flows.

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