[Physics] Would a three wheeled vehicle be faster than a four wheeled vehicle of the same weight


If I have a four wheeled vehicle (small wooden block with metal nail axles and plastic wheels) and apply a force X to it, would it be made faster by keeping one wheel off the ground in order to reduce friction? My thought is that the remaining three wheels would then have more weight on them, and thus more friction — but is this added force more than offset by the loss of friction in the missing wheel?

After some back and forth with Ruben I think I have gathered the following —

The friction per wheel exists in both contact with ground and to a much greater degree contact of axle to wheel. There is a small and most likely negligible wind resistance component.

                      4 wheeling........3 wheeling
  • Friction per wheel = F ………………………4/3 F
  • Wind resistance = W ……………………………..W

Best Answer

This is an interesting question. It looks to me like three-wheeled version is probably faster.

Your vehicle's top speed is set by the relation $P=Fv$, where $P$ is the maximum power available, $F$ is the total frictional force, and $v$ is the top speed. The frictional force has three contributions:

  1. rolling resistance

  2. friction at the axles

  3. wind resistance

Wind resistance probably isn't changed very much by a 3-wheel versus 4-wheel design, and friction at the axles is probably not as big as rolling resistance. Therefore let's focus on rolling resistance.

As described in more detail in my comment, you can't use the standard Amontons-Coulomb (AC) model of friction for rolling resistance. As far as I can tell from wikipedia, an appropriate relation for rolling resistance can be written in the form

$$ F_f=C(F_N)F_N, $$

where $F_f$ is the force of friction, $F_N$ is the normal force, and $C(F_N)$, unlike in the AC model, does depend at least somewhat on the normal force.

If $C$ were independent of $F_N$ as in the AC model, then it wouldn't matter how many wheels we had. Four wheels would give a certain amount of friction per wheel, which would be multiplied by four. Switching to three wheels would increase $F_N$ at each wheel, and therefore the friction per wheel, by a factor of 4/3, but this would only be multiplied by 3 wheels, so the effect would cancel out.

But $C$ does depend on $F_N$. The WP article has some information on how $C$ depends on $F_N$ for railroad cars and for pneumatic tires that have been optimally inflated for the load. The result appears to be that $C$ decreases with an increase in $F_N$. Therefore the result appears to be that the three-wheeled vehicle would be faster.

If fewer wheels give better efficiency, the question would be why we don't all ride around on unicycles.

For cars, I think four wheels are chosen for stability (and maybe handling?).

For train locomotives, the large number of wheels is so that the locomotive can be heavy (and get good traction) without damaging the tracks.